Ayming, Business performance Consulting Group, is supporting C123 project, which will develop new industrial processes to convert unused and often wasted carbon resources to valuable C3 products such as propylene and increase their energy and environmental efficiency. This project, launched on January 1, 2019, will last 50 months. It received a European funding of € 6.3 million, allocated by the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

Propylene is a monomer for the widely used plastic polypropylene and a starting point for a number of important industrial chemicals. C123 aims to reduce the European dependency on existing fuel resources, but also to improve the industrial competitiveness. The project will develop new catalytic materials for the oxidative conversion of methane, ultimately leading to propylene.
To achieve this, C123 takes an integrated approach that optimizes recycling, minimizes separation, and utilizes a variety of raw materials. The objective is to evaluate and validate production of up to 10 000 tons / year through decentralized units (modular track) and up to 140 000 tons / year in large existing plants. These ambitious objectives can be achieved thanks to the complementarity of the consortium and its strong industrial dynamism and research.
The consortium brings together industry players, RTOs and academics:
- SINTEF (Norway): project coordinator, responsible for financial affairs, communication with the EU and controlling the progress of the project, and catalyst development and testing.
- University of Ghent (Belgium): catalyst development, modeling activities, and sustainability assessment
- Total (Belgium): validation of catalyst and process technologies
- CNRS (France): catalyst development and testing
- ARKEMA (France): end-user of a variety of C3 chemicals
- Johnson Matthey (UK): catalyst development and upscaling and process validation
- PDC (Netherlands): process design, techno-economic assessment
- Linde (Germany): process development, integration and validation
- ANAS (Azerbaijan): synthesis and testing of catalysts
- Ayming (France): project dissemination, exploitation and impact
- Axel’one (France): catalyst upscaling and testing.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n° 814557.
- Duncan Akporiaye (SINTEF), project coordinator,
Phone: +47-93059166Consultants Ayming, exploitation of the project results : - Julie Chupin : jchupin@ayming.com
Jetta Keranen : jkeranen@ayming.com
Philippe Lenain : plenain@ayming.com
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