
H2020: Don’t miss out on Energy call for proposals !

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janvier 2, 2019

“Secure, clean and efficient energy”: The European Union, key player in the energy transition

In 2019, the European Union allocates € 623 million to finance research, development and demonstration projects in the field of energy, through the Horizon 2020 work program « Secure, clean and efficient energy« . Some calls for proposals are open and deadlines are between August 27th and September 3rd, depending on the topic.

So don’t wait any longer, get started and submit your proposal!

H2020 Energy: have a look at open calls for proposals

The overall budget of the work program “Secure, clean and efficient energy” of the European framework program Horizon 2020 for the year 2019 is more than 623 M€. Some calls for proposals are open and deadlines are between August 27th and September 3rd, depending on the topic. The work program is divided into several parts which some are:

  • Energy efficiency (EE)
  • Renewable energy solutions (RES)
  • Enabling near-zero CO2 emissions from fossil fuel power plants and carbon intensive industries (NZE)

Submitting a proposal: Pay attention to the preparation time

This Horizon 2020 program is an interesting funding opportunity for excellent collaborative research and innovation projects.
These calls for proposals are however very competitive: An excellent preparation of the project is necessary to meet expectations in terms of research excellence, socio-economics and environmental impacts and project implementation.

Work program “Secure, clean and efficient energy”

To achieve carbon neutrality in the energy sector and thus contribute to the objectives set by the Paris agreement on the climate, the European Union has to accelerate its energy system’s transformation. In this domain, we are facing several challenges:

  • Energy efficiency increase,
  • Smart and flexible energetic networks development, coupled with performant energy storage systems,
  • Secure and controlled supply of energy,
  • Development and deployment of renewable energy technologies integrated into the energetic system

Sucess story : MEET – Multi-sites EGS Demonstration

Ayming supported ES-GEOTHERMIE for the setting-up of the MEET project, applying in the LCE-18-2017 topic (Innovation Action). 16 partners, € 11,7 million budget, 5 countries, the MEET project has been selected and benefit from a EU contribution of more than € 9,9 million!
The MEET project has started since May 1st 2018 and akims at boosting the development of Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) across Europe in various geological contexts (sedimentary, volcanic, metamorphic and crystalline) by different means.

Willing to submit a H2020 project proposal ? Ayming’s experts are at your side and turn your project into a winning proposal by guiding you on the key success factors. With more than 20 years of experience in European projects setting-up and coordination, our consultants have already a track record of 50 funded projects in the energy sector .

Do not hesitate to contact them to discuss your project idea and benefit from a custom-made collaboration.


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